All the latest developments from NEWS2

New edition released

New edition released

The NEWS2 team are delighted to announce the release of the latest edition of the NEWS2 e-learning module suite. The modules have been redesigned from the ground up to provide an enhanced learning experience as well as improved accessibility with mobile devices....

NEWS2 e-learning reaches new milestone

NEWS2 e-learning reaches new milestone

As of June 2022 the NEWS2 e-learning module suite, freely available to all NHS staff, has been successfully completed by over 350,000 learners across the NHS. This is a significant achievement and the NEWS2 team would like to take this opportunity to thank all of...

NEWS2 Covid-19 support

NEWS2 Covid-19 support

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic the NEWS2 resource has been provided as an open access resource for the past three months.  During this period close to 3,000 healthcare professionals successfully utilised the resource.  With demand now returning to...

New supplementary guidance coming in July 2020

New supplementary guidance coming in July 2020

The NEWS2 e-learning modules will be extended early July 2020 to include new supplementary guidance from the Royal College of Physicians.  Enhanced guidance will be provided on: Escalation and response Oxygen scales Acute receiving of patients to hospital...

NEWS2 and deterioration in COVID-19

NEWS2 and deterioration in COVID-19

This guidance emphasises the place of NEWS2 in managing patients with COVID-19. NEWS2 should be used when managing patients with COVID 19. The use of NEWS2 will ensure that patients who are deteriorating, or at risk of deteriorating, will have a timely initial...

NEWS2: Additional implementation guidance

NEWS2: Additional implementation guidance

This document provides clarification on aspects of implementing NEWS2. NEWS2: Standardising the assessment of acute-illness severity in the NHS was published in December 2017. Since then there has been considerable learning through widespread implementation...

NEWS2 Calculation App released

NEWS2 Calculation App released

The official NEWS2 Calculation App has now been released on both the iOS and Android stores.  The app is available for free and can be found as follows: iOS – please visit the app store and search for ‘NEWS2' Android – please visit the Google Play store and...

NEWS2 programme relaunch

NEWS2 programme relaunch

The NEWS programme has undergone a complete overhaul. As well as the new website, all eLearning materials have been redeveloped from the ground up to provide a more engaging learning experience.

NEWS modules updated to NEWS2

NEWS modules updated to NEWS2

The five news modules (Acute, Ambulance, Mental Health, Care/Community Homes and Mental Health) have now been updated with the latest guidance from the Royal College of Physicians.




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